A liquid molding rubber which is not a silicone base. Two part system of catalyst and rubber. Shelf life six months. One pound box will make 4 to 5 rubber molds. Ten pound kit makes up to 40 molds. Used by Casting houses for intricate cold rubber models
Castaldo® LiquaCast®
is a 0% shrinkage room temperature vulcanizing liquid rubber that lets you make molds of delicate objects that would not survive the heat and pressure of the normal vulcanization process. Typical uses include making molds of CAD-CAM, RP and SLA resin models, wax carvings and wax injections. Also possible are objects from nature — leaves, plants, flowers, fruit, insects – anything!
Easy to pour!
Castaldo® LiquaCast® is an easy-flowing two-part liquid room temperature vulcanizing compound that makes tough, strong, flexible rubber molds in 18 hours at normal temperatures. It can be cured in as little as 90 minutes at temperatures up to 66° C./ 150° F. Unlike traditional silicone liquid molding rubbers, LiquaCast is easy to pour, easy to mix and easy to vacuum de-bubble because of its low viscosity.
Costs Less!
LiquaCast produces superior molds but costs only a fraction of the price you may be accustomed to paying for traditional RTV compounds.
Stronger, tougher molds!
Molds made of LiquaCast are much stronger, tougher and longer lasting than those made fromtraditionalliquid rubbercompounds.LiquaCast molds are production molds that can be used 100’s of times, not intermediary or prototype molds that can be used only once or twice.
