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HANDLE WITH 2 CHUCKS Graver Handle 1/2 Head 1-3/8 x 2 Inch Graver Handle 1/2 Head 1-3/8 x 1-1/2 Inch GRAVER HANDLE 1/2 HEAD LONG  656

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Graver Handle Mushroom Style 1-1/4 x 2 Inch Graver Handle Mushroom Style 1-1/4 x 1-3/4 Inch Graver Handle Pear Style 1-5/8 x 1-7/8 Inch Chinese White, Small Cake

Vibro-Graver 110 Volt Micro Engraver - Tungsten Carbide Tip Graver Handle E.F.B. for use with Single End Gravers GRS DIAMOND SPRAY 1/2MICRON 002-753 GRS DIAMOND SPRAY 1MICRON 002-754

GRS Quick Change Locking Adapter Kit GRS QC Tool Adapter V2 GRS DIAMOND WHEEL 600 GRIT 5 inches GRS DIAMOND WHEEL 260 GRIT 5"  - COARSE
GRS QC Tool Adapter V2

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Make sharpening even faster with this new adapter for the GRS Dual Angle Sharpening Fixture. This kit adapts the GRS Dual Angle Sharpening Fixture for sharpening tools and gravers that are mounted in QC tool holders. The kit includes two adapter bodies that locate the QC tool holder by its locating slot. One adapter body is designed for either up or down slot positions, te other for left or right.

GRS GraverHone VS Dual Angle Sharpening System GRS DIAMOND WHEEL 1200 GRIT 5" GRS Standard Sharpening Fixture
Rough, sharpen, and polish high-speed steel or carbide gravers faster with the GraverHone VS. This variable speed hone features high torque with an American-made motor. Each spindle and drive plate are individually qualified parallel to the top surface of each GraverHone. This extra step ensures that each unit is in proper alignment for the most repeatable grinds every time. The Dual Angle Sharpening Fixture, included in this package, is the most well-rounded fixture on the market for achieving any graver geometry desired.

Package Includes:
• GraverHone VS
• 260, 600, 1200 grit diamond wheels
• Diamond wheel rack
• Dual Angle Fixture w/ Premium Sharpening Post